Due to it being Christmas week, any and all progress made this week has been solely due to the generosity of others. Never underestimate what a small bit of help can do for a family that is struggling! The gifts we received for Christmas have a much bigger impact than I think the giver's could anticipate.
*We got nice clothes. We can look more presentable, and feel better about ourselves. Coupled with my new haircut, I feel like a brand new woman, and certainly don't look as poor as I actually am. It is amazing the difference in getting a few nice things to wear can make. I don't have to be embarrassed! Oh and that included SHOES!! My holey, stinky ones are going in the trash today, and I will not miss them one bit.
*My littlest got new toy, interactive toys. Oh my goodness, have you ever been around a toddler who didn't have many toys? They get into trouble from boredom or need constant attention - not that that's a bad thing, just impossible to accomplish when the house needs cleaned or dinner needs to be cooked, or another family member needs attention. Now I can distract her for a little while and get some more things done with fewer tears. (And maybe she won't cry as much either. :p) She has really needed a bit more stimulation, and I'm so happy to have some things for her to help her brain and imagination grow.
*We got tons of left overs. Most of it is sweets, but we did get a huge container of fresh veggies and some dried fruit as well. We have eaten more of those these last few days than we have the cookies. I think we still have one more day worth of veggies to eat. We are glad to have everything though - so many treats we don't normally get, and a little extra to eat for dessert if anyone is still hungry after dinner. Delicious, yummy calories to stuff into my little one so she sleeps better at night (she is a picky eater and sometimes wakes up hungry - here, have some butter cookies!). And this means less money spent on groceries this week so we can spend it on gas, since getting pre-paid phones started cost way more than we expected.
*We got this here laptop - it is tiny, but it is made of gold as far as I am concerned. I can keep looking for jobs/babysitters/work at home opportunities and try to make a little money. Maybe at some point even make this blog profitable (I was denied for Ad Sense due to lack of content/traffic).
*I received some paperwork in the mail that I need for my food stamp case, found my rent receipt, and now I just need a bank statement to have it all completed.
*We paid our second-to-last loan payment. We have just one more. Just one more, and we will have an extra $150 a month! It will be awhile before we are able to put it in the banks as savings but at least maybe we can catch up on bills. I don't even remember what it feels like to not have at least one bill past due.
So there, there's been a little progress! In fact, at this point, if we're not going backwards, then it's progress. We've spent too much time losing ground, if we can just hang on, eventually we can start moving forward.
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